Tuesday, December 2, 2008

'Tis the Season of Giving

The semester is wrapping up here at Piedmont College and will soon give way to the Christmas season. To many people, Christmas is the time of year to share with family. Many remember it as the day when Jesus was born. It can be the season of giving, get-togethers, feasts, presents or whatever else one can think of that might bring joy. All of this is great, but why now? Christmas should be celebrated and enjoyed by everyone, but there is no reason for the season of giving to come only once a year. Giving should be something done in our everyday lives, not something on our Christmas to-do list.
The Salvation Army sends volunteers yielding bells and Santa hats to store fronts around this time of year to raise money. Toys-For-Tots starts to collect gifts for underprivileged children this time as well. Why wait to ask for donations when everyone is counting pennies to buy that last gift? I wouldn’t mind sliding the Salvation Army a couple of bucks in the middle of summer with or without bells and red hats.
Simply put, seasonal giving should have the “seasonal” removed. People feel that dropping some change in the pot or a toy on the table will make their outlandish Christmas spending justified. Sure, that 37 cents will stretch a long way compared to the hundreds of dollars spent on the latest gaming technology upgrade! Christmas is a wonderful season that brings out the best in many but let’s not allow it to end on the 25th of December. Share as often as possible, give when you can and enjoy your family this Christmas.

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