Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Santa No Longer Exists...

When you ask kindergarteners what they want for Christmas, the most common responses used to be things like a bike, Barbie, or board game. When you asked them who gives them thier presents, they usually say Santa Claus. These days, even if thier belief in Santa is true, kindergarteners' wish lists have changed. Now it's a Wii or a cell phone. Technology has obviously made a huge impact on the world, even the little people in it. When I was young, I was mostly your typical kid at Christmas. I wanted a Barbie or some kind of baby doll and whatever else I could get. I wasn't too picky. However, I was different in that I never believed in Santa. My parents told me there was no such person from the get go. Some people have told me they feel as though my parents did me an injustice by telling me so. They said I must have had a boring childhood. I disagree. I had a great childhood. It was full of imagination and fun. I actually think that knowing my parents were the one's giving me my gifts gave me an advantage. This way, I could ask for more than I wanted and if I didn't get it, they couldn't blame it on some old guy with a beard. The same when for the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny. The meaning of Christmas has changed for me. Not because I was told there was no Santa, but becuase I'm older. I realize now that this holiday is just another chance for businesses to take your money. It's become just another materialistic day instead of a time you should enjoy with family. I can't really blame businesses for this. They have to make money, especially in today's economy. I think you just have to do what I do: Remember that no matter how much the world changes, your family won't.

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