Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Meaning of Christmas

The phrase, "the meaning of Christmas" makes me think of little Linus on stage with his blue blanket telling the Biblical Christmas story. To me, this story IS the true meaning of Christmas. However, there are other feelings that accompany it. One of my favorite parts of Christmas is the peaked interest in helping others. From The Salvation Army to Toys for Tots, everyone is giving. This giving spirit is part of my personal meaning of Christmas. When we think of others and realize our own good fortune, we are giving for the right reasons. The giving spirit, though, can be taken the wrong way. Shooting someone at Toys-R-Us isn't quite grasping the idea of this giving thing. My parents never fought to get us the "toy of the season," but then again I don't remember ever wanting that coveted toy. In fact, this year, my family is having a Home Made Christmas. Everything we give to each other has to be made, not bought. I love this idea, but I also love to shop for people. I can't make that Vera Bradley set, which I will now be returning instead of giving to my mother. As we are bombarded with talks of a declining economy, our giving does not have to end. Donating your time is just as good, or better than money or items. One of my best Christmas experiences has been ringing the bell for The Salvation Army. Even children recognized this symbol of giving and would bring their little bit.
The meaning of Christmas is different for everyone and mine includes giving.

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